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C/C++ Source or Header
300 lines
// TSMorph - Amiga Morphing program
// Copyright (C) © 1993 Topicsave Limited
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// mpaddock@cix.compulink.co.uk
// $Author: M_J_Paddock $
// $Date: 1993/08/28 22:04:09 $
// $Revision: 1.6 $
/* This object is included in both TSMorph and TSMorph-render
* it includes all the stuff for determing arguments
* including settings file stuff
// include headers since does not include precompiled headers
#include <workbench/workbench.h>
#include <workbench/startup.h>
#include <proto/icon.h>
#include <proto/dos.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
// The program icon for settings
struct DiskObject *program_icon = NULL;
/* My version of ArgArrayDone
* does not use cx_lib version as would have to open commodities.library
* frees everything allocated by argArrayInit
argArrayDone( void ) {
if (program_icon) {
/* my version for ArgArrayInit
* returns : pointer to the parameters or program tool types
* parameters: argc
* argv - standard main() arguments
char **
argArrayInit( LONG argc, char **argv ) {
if (argc) { // from the shell
argv[argc] = 0; // HACK!!!!!
return argv; // The above is required to prevent the following code
} // falling off the end. Not sure how safe this is!!!
else {
struct WBStartup *wbs = (struct WBStartup *) argv; // from the Workbench
if (program_icon = GetDiskObject((char *) wbs->sm_ArgList->wa_Name)) { // get the program icon
return ((char **) program_icon->do_ToolTypes); // return tooltypes
return NULL;
/* My version of ArgString
* returns : string result
* parameters: arg1 - parameter array
* arg2 - parameter name
* arg3 - default value
ArgString( UBYTE **arg1, UBYTE *arg2, UBYTE *arg3 ) {
if (arg1) {
if (s = FindToolType(arg1,arg2)) {
return s;
return arg3;
/* The following defines are what make this code specific to TSMorph
* they could be changed for another program
#define PREFSDIR "ENV:TSMorph/" // Directory where prefs may be held
#define PREFSFILE "TSMorph.prefs" // Name of prefs file
struct DiskObject *project_icon = NULL; // The project Icon
char **project_settings = NULL; // Parameters on project Icon
extern char **ArgArray; // Program Parameter/ToolTypes
extern char **ArgArraySettings; // Parameters from settings file
BOOL FromWB; // Are we shell or Workbench
/* Similar to ArgArrayInit but knows
* how to handle settings files
* does not return a value - it is held in this file
MyArgArrayInit(int argc,char **argv) {
BPTR oldcurrentdir = NULL; // Remember the current dir
BPTR settings = 0; // Settings file handle
UBYTE string[65]; // buffer to read in (should not be limited size)
int kount = 0, // number of settings strings in file
kount1 = 0; // index
UBYTE *settingsname; // file name of settings
BPTR projectdir = 0; // project directory
struct WBStartup *argmsg; // Workbench message
struct WBArg *wb_arg; // Workbench argument
/* check if from workbench */
if (!argc) {
FromWB = TRUE;
argmsg = (struct WBStartup *)argv;
if (argmsg->sm_NumArgs > 1) {
wb_arg = argmsg->sm_ArgList;
projectdir = wb_arg->wa_Lock; // set up project dir for settings file
oldcurrentdir = CurrentDir(projectdir); // switch to project dir
if (project_icon = GetDiskObject((char *) wb_arg->wa_Name)) {
project_settings = (char **) project_icon->do_ToolTypes; // and get project tool types if poss.
CurrentDir(oldcurrentdir); // switch back to original dir
oldcurrentdir = NULL;
else {
// Do normal ArgArrayInit
ArgArray = argArrayInit(argc,argv);
// Get name of settings file
ArgArraySettings = NULL;
settingsname = ArgString(project_settings,"SETTINGS",NULL); // first from SETTINGS= on project
if (settingsname) {
settings = Open(settingsname,MODE_OLDFILE); // try and open if present
if (!settings) {
settingsname = ArgString(ArgArray,"SETTINGS",NULL); // if not open try Program parameters/tool types SETTINGS=
// try and open
if (settingsname && !settings) {
settings = Open(settingsname,MODE_OLDFILE); // and try and open if present
if (!settings) {
/* if not open then if from WorkBench then change
* to the project dir, if from CLI try current dir
if (projectdir) {
oldcurrentdir = CurrentDir(projectdir);
if (!(settings = Open(settingsname = PREFSFILE,MODE_OLDFILE))) { // try and open again in "current" dir
// change back if it did not open
if (projectdir) {
// if still not open then try program directory
if (!settings) {
settings = Open(settingsname = "PROGDIR:"PREFSFILE,MODE_OLDFILE); // try and open again in program dir
// still not open so try ENV:
if (!settings) {
settings = Open(settingsname = PREFSDIR PREFSFILE,MODE_OLDFILE); // and again!!! in ENV:/xxx/
if (settings) { // We have a settings file!!!
// If we have found a file then count the relevant lines
while (FGets(settings,string,64)) { // read in each line
if ((string[0] != '\n') && // ignore blank lines
(string[0] != ';')) { // and commented out lines
++kount; // count the rest
Close(settings); // close the file
if (settings = Open(settingsname,MODE_OLDFILE)) { // reopen it (why not seek?)
// Allocate memory for settings from file pointers (including zero at end
if (ArgArraySettings = AllocVec((kount+1) * sizeof(UBYTE *),MEMF_CLEAR)) {
// Read in all settings
while (FGets(settings,string,64) &&
(kount1 < kount)) { // Do not do too many
// remove newline (from FGets)
string[strlen(string)-1] = '\0';
// ignore blank and comment lines
if (string[0] && (string[0]!=';')) {
// Clone settings in memory
ArgArraySettings[kount1] = strdup(string); // Note!
++kount1; // strdup() not AllocMem() etc.
} // so memory is only freed on quit
// Close file and change directory back if required
if (oldcurrentdir) {
/* Similar to ArgArrayDone but knows
* how to handle settings files
MyArgArrayDone(void) {
// Call argArrayDone
// and free settings file pointers
if (ArgArraySettings) {
ArgArraySettings = NULL;
// and the project icon
if (project_icon) {
project_icon = NULL;
/* Similar to ArgString but knows
* how to handle settings files
* missing parameter: arg1 - is internal
* extra parameter : reopen - set if this is not the initial call but just a new project
MyArgString(UBYTE *arg2,UBYTE *arg3,BOOL reopen) {
// Look in project Parameters first
if (project_settings) {
if (s = FindToolType(project_settings,arg2)) {
return s;
if (!reopen) {
// then look in parameters
if (ArgArray) {
if (s = FindToolType(ArgArray,arg2)) {
return s;
// then in settings file
if (ArgArraySettings) {
if (s = FindToolType(ArgArraySettings,arg2)) {
return s;
return arg3;
/* Similar to ArgInt but knows
* how to handle settings files
* See MyArgString() for different parameters
MyArgInt(UBYTE *arg2, long arg3,BOOL reopen) {
LONG ret;
if (s = MyArgString(arg2,NULL,reopen)) {
return ret;
return arg3;
/* Similar to FindToolType but knows
* how to handle settings files
* See MyArgString() for different parameters
BOOL MyFindToolType(UBYTE *arg2,BOOL reopen) {
if (MyArgString(arg2,NULL,reopen)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Opens a new project parameters
* Frees old Icon and opens new, if from Workbench
* filename must be full file name
void OpenNewArgs(UBYTE *filename) {
if (FromWB) {
if (project_icon) {
if (project_icon = GetDiskObject(filename)) {
project_settings = (char **) project_icon->do_ToolTypes;
else {
project_settings = NULL;